以下のコメントを非表示にします。宜しいですか? ※一度非表示にした場合、元に戻せません。 コメントを非表示にした操作の一切の責任はサイト運営者が負うことはなく、非表示操作をしたユーザの責任となります。 317:(no_name) ID:#1e97fa4388 2018-08-24 00:28:10 過去5年間のうちにスウェーデンで発生した強姦・強姦未遂を調べたところ、犯罪者の約58%が国外で生まれた外国人であることが判明 スウェーデン公共放送局SVTによると ・2012〜2017年において強姦・強姦未遂で起訴された犯罪者の数は計843名、うち約58%がスウェーデン国外で生まれた外国人だった ・犯人と被害者に面識がない場合、性犯罪者の実に85%が外国人であることも判った。うち40%がスウェーデンに来て1年以内の犯行だった ・出身国別に見ると、特に欧州圏外で生まれた性犯罪者が多く、843名中427名。全体のおよそ40%が中東やアフリカ出身者で占められていた。また強姦で有罪となった犯人129名中97名は欧州圏外で生まれていた Sweden rape: Most convicted attackers foreign-born, says TV 22 August 2018 https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-45269764 About 58% of men convicted in Sweden of rape and attempted rape over the past five years were born abroad, according to data from Swedish national TV. Public broadcaster SVT said it had counted all court convictions to present a complete picture in Sweden. But Sweden had thousands more reported rapes, and there is no ethnic breakdown for those. Immigration and crime are major issues in Sweden's general election campaign. The vote is on 9 September. The anti-immigration Sweden Democrats hope to make significant ground, although they have slipped to third place in the latest opinion poll. The Mission Investigation programme, due to be broadcast on Wednesday by SVT, said the total number of offenders over five years was 843. Of those, 197 were from the Middle East and North Africa, with 45 coming from Afghanistan. "We are very clear in the programme that it is a small percentage of the people coming from abroad who are convicted of rape," chief editor Ulf Johansson told the BBC. He pointed out that the number of reported rapes in Sweden was far higher, so no conclusions could be drawn on the role of immigrants in sexual attacks. Is Malmo the 'rape capital' of Europe? When Sweden took in its highest number of asylum seekers in 2015, the number of reported rapes declined by 12%. At the height of the migration crisis, some 160,000 migrants arrived there - more per capita than any other EU country. |